17 Notes, Week of November 23 , 2015


Arrays of objects can be created within one, two or three vector directions. These workshop notes begin with a one dimensional array used to describe a staircase, and then faciltate a two dimensional array that copies columns into a planar grid, and a three dimensional array that creates a full floor to floor grid of columns.

PART 1: One Dimensional Staircase Array

1.1 Setup step and components in GH

Use Rhino's solid Box tool create a box that represents a single step at the dimension 3' x 11" x  7". In foot measurement units, this this equivalent of using the "Box" command with measurements 3' x 11/12' x 7/12'. 


Next add a point on the forward lower-left and another point on  upper-right corner of the step.  These points will define a translation vector for copying the first step into the next step location in the stair.

points for vector

 Open Grasshopper and create components for the geometry of the step and the two points. That is, within the params tab, pull down the "Geometry" menu on the left side of the avaible tools, and select a "Geometry" component from the lower right-hand side.

geometry component

Now add parameters the two point components. Label one "startPt" for the point at the lower left part of the stair, and the other "endPt".  Also, add an int slider for number of copies with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 100.

numcopies slider

Right-mouse-click on the the "Geo" component and "set one geometry" to the  stair. Similarly, in turn, right-mouse-click on the "startPt component ad set it to the point located on the lower left-hand corner point of the stair, and right-mouse-click on the "endPt" component and set it to the other point on the near upper right-hand side of the stair.

connect stair components

Save the Grasshopper script to the name Go tot the "Math" tab within Grasshopper and add a Python component.  

add python component

Right-click on the input variable "x' for the Python component, change it's name to Geo, and select the type hint as "ghdoc Object when geometry (rhinoscriptsyntax)"

Right-click on the input variable "y" for the Python component, change its name to "startPoint" and select the type hint as "Point3d".

Add a new input variable "endPoint" and select the type hint as "Point3d".

Add a new input variable "numCopies" and select the type hint as "Point3d".

Connect the component output ports to the corresponding Python script input ports

connect parameters to python script

1.2 Creating the Python script.

The Python script for the stair may be conceived abstractly has having two primary functions. These are:

To begin creating the Python script, the general steps needed are placed n "pseudo code" following a similar scripting strategy that was used in the previous workshop.

pseudo code stairway

Second,  the implementation of the script contines with importing Rhino and rhinoscriptsyntax libraries which have been used throughout examples in the workshops. If it turns out that one of the libraries isn't needed then it can be deleted from the script. This is followed by creating the function "copyElement" identified in  "Step1" of the pseudo code (see lines 5 through 11 below). Next, result of the function is set to the output variable "a" in line 25 below. This tests if a a single step can be copies before attempting to build the full staircase.

test copy step

Third,  the implementation of the script is fruther developed with creating the function "makeStairs" of step two (see lines 13 - 29 below). The key is to include a loop that establishes a new endPt component for each additional copy of the original step needed. The main work of is done inside the iterative loop which begins on line 18 below. Within the loop:

Once the loop is completed, the list of step objects are returned from the function on line 29 and assigned to the output vaiable "a" line 41. The output variable "a" in turn allows the end user to preview the steps within the Rhino view window.

stairway python script

PART 2: Two Dimensional  Array 

An object can copied in the x y plane through nesting one loop inside another. Here too the basic process can be first sketched through the use of pseudo code.

Place a vertical box of dimensions 0.5' x 0.5' x 8' and a point at the origin of the XYPlane as depicted in the figure below.

column and point

Open Grasshopper and setup parameters for "startPt", "Geo" similar to the case of Part 1, and:

input parameters 2d array

Next, within the math tab create a Python component with input ports corresponding to the parameters above and make the connections:

add python component

Within the Python component, the Pseudo code is similar to that of Part 1 in that it subdivides into to primary functions (see step 1 and step 2 below):

pseudo code 2d array

Step 1 can use the same function "copyElement" that was used in Part 1 above. The Python script is thus modified as follows.

add copyElement function to script

For step the function "makeArray" is added and contains an outer loop for the rows and an inner loop for the columns. 

Similar to Part 1, the makeArray function returns a list of copied objects that are assigned to the output variable "a" in line 42 below.

make array function added

For 2 rows and 2 columns, a preview of the Python script yields the following result.

2x2 array

Adjusting the sliders for 10 rows and10 columns, a preview of the Python script yields the following result.

preview of 10x10 array

However, in the case of i = 0 and ii = 0, the first object is duplicated at its original location. To avoid this one issue, a conditional "if" statment is added the script in line 23. The statement  
if (not ( i == 0 and ii == 0) is true if and only if i does not equal 0 and ii does not equal to 0. This cirumvents copying the object to its original location.

2d array corrected script

The final script includes the correction in line 23 above and yields th following result:

no duplicate version of 2x2 array

PART 3: Three Dimensional  Array 

3.1 Create the Array

An object can copied in a three dimensional array nesting one loop inside another for the gound surface, then these two loops inside an additional loop to go from vertical level to vertical level. The logic is simply an extension of the case for the 2D array.

First new parameters for "numLevels" along the z-axis and for "height" between the levels is added to the original set of Python components.

input parameters 3d array

The final script is completed as follows.

3d array script

The script produces the following outcome.

3d array of objects

3.2 Add an object to the Array

Note that if a new element is added to the original geometry file, it can be added interactively to the 3D array.

For example,  place a simple box at the base of each column.

add object

Next, right-click on the Geo parameter and choose the option "Manage Geometry collection". 

manage geometry collection dialog

Within the dialog box named "Generic geometry persistent data" that follows, select the "green" box icon, and then select the new element in the Rhino file.

add object to array

Select the OK button within the "Generic geometry persistent data" dialog box, the the preview of the 3D array will appear as follows.

3d array with object added

3.3 Finally, right mouse-button-click on the output variable "a" and select the "bake" object to add the previewed geometry to Rhino. The result will render as follows.

rendering of 3d array