Architecture 5420 Syllabus Supplement


Fall 2022

Grade Descriptions

‘A’  Excellent work:
Work reflects outstanding achievement in both content and execution.  Work must far surpass the given requirements.
‘B’  Good work:
Work reflects high achievement in both content and execution and must excel beyond the given requirements.
‘C’  Adequate work:
            Work fulfills the given requirements.
‘D’  Poor work:
            Work is less than satisfactory and does not fulfill requirements.
‘F’  Failing Work:
            Work fulfills few, if any, of the requirements.
‘IN’ Incomplete work:
            Grade is only available due to health reasons or other emergency situations.
            (See SARC Extension/Incomplete Policy below)

Comment by ARCH 5420 Course Instructor: This instructor will use "+" and "-" grades (e.g, A +, A, A -, B+, etc.).

Class Attendance

Regular attendance in classes is a vital part of the educational process and is expected throughout the semester. At the University of Virginia, students are expected to accept the responsibility of attending classes regularly and promptly.

Unexcused absences will seriously hinder achievement in the class.  A student who is making no real progress in class, or whose behavior is detracting from the class, may be excluded from the course by the instructor with a grade of W or F.  Students have five calendar days following written notification of this exclusion in which to appeal to the Chair of the department or program offering the class. The appeal may then, at the student’s request, be considered by the Associate Dean of Academics of the School. Until the final disposition of the appeal, the student is considered enrolled in the class and may continue to attend classes with the approval of the instructor and the Associate Dean of Academics. 

Students may not attend classes in which they are not enrolled, nor may they bring guests to classes in which they are enrolled, without the permission of the instructor.  Students must be enrolled in the class by the School of Architecture’s add deadline; students cancelled who miss this deadline must wait until the following term to return.

Instructors may refer to the Associate Dean of Academics any student whose attendance record they consider unsatisfactory. The dean's office, upon request from a faculty member, may disenroll a student with a grade of W. Once the class withdrawal deadline passes, the instructor may ask that the student be removed from the class and a grade of F will be assigned.

Neither the Department of Student Health nor the School of Architecture Dean's office issues excuses for class absence or for missed assignments.  Only the instructor, not the Association Dean for Academics, can determine if the student can make up missed work.

Note: The instructor may drop a student from their class who is not in attendance on the first day of the semester.

Excused Absences

Absences traditionally excused are the following: hospitalization, serious illness, death in the family, important religious holidays (click here for Provost's policy), and authorized University activities (field trips, University-sponsored athletic events).  Students who anticipate absence for cause should obtain permission from the instructor in advance of the absence. Unforeseen absences resulting from sickness, or from other circumstances considered to be emergencies, may be excused by the instructor and arrangements may be made with the instructor to complete the assignments missed.

Assignment Deadlines

All assignment deadlines listed in the syllabus and/or in course handouts are final.*

* Comment by ARCH 5420 Course Instructor: Occasionally in ARCH 5420 it may be necessary to adjust assignment due dates due to unforseen and extenuating circumstances.


Individual requests for extensions due to medical emergencies or family circumstances are to be discussed with the instructor.  The utmost discretion protecting your privacy will be assured.  The final decision for any extension requests and post-review schedule to complete work for grading purposes will be made by the instructor. 

 Extensions for Medical Reasons

Concerning medical circumstances/emergencies, safely attending to the medical circumstance/emergency is the first and foremost priority.  A request for a deadline extension due to a medical emergency should be submitted only after the emergency has been safely and properly addressed.  A request for a deadline extension due to a medical reason should be submitted in writing by the student to the instructor.  The deadline extension request must include an official note from a physician and a schedule specifying the completion date of the assignment.

Extensions for Family Circumstances

A request for a deadline extension due to a family circumstance should be submitted in writing to the instructor.  The deadline extension request must include a note signed by the student explaining the reason for the extension request and a schedule specifying the completion date of the assignment.

SARC End-of-Semester Extension of Time (“Incomplete”)

A grade of “Incomplete” (IN) is to be given only in cases due to medical emergencies and extenuating family circumstances that necessitate additional time to complete course work.  A request for an ‘IN’ is to be submitted to the School of Architecture Registrar, Sharon McDonald (, prior to the last day of exams to using the “Incomplete Grade Submission Form” approved by the Associate Dean of Academics.  An ‘IN’ is not considered an acceptable default final grade and will convert to a grade of ‘F’ five days after the end of the examination period unless an “Incomplete Grade Submission Form” is submitted by the course professor with the approval of the Associate Dean of Academics.  Documentation supporting the medical excuse is to be provided by a doctor or healthcare provider with the “Incomplete Grade Submission Form”. Additionally, a work plan outlining the scope and extended deadline for completion of coursework is due to the Associate Dean of Academics at the time of the form submittal.  An approved grade of ‘IN’ will convert automatically to a grade of ‘F’ four weeks after the end of the examination period unless the professor submits a final grade based on the work completed during the additional time or a work plan identifying a specific date for completion of course work.  Instructors are not authorized to extend the time for completion of course work without the approval of the Associate Dean of Academics. The “Incomplete Grade Submission Form” is available from Tashana Starks in 316 Campbell Hall.

Student Safety

The University of Virginia is dedicated to providing a safe and equitable learning environment for all students.  To that end, it is vital that you know two values that the faculty, the University, and we hold as critically important:

1. Power-based personal violence will not be tolerated.
2. Everyone has a responsibility to do their part to maintain a safe community on Grounds.

If you or someone you know has been affected by power-based personal violence, more information can be found on the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights website that describes reporting options and resources available and direct access to the Report and Incident tool.

As your professors, know that we care about your wellbeing and stand ready to provide support and resources as we can. As faculty members, we are responsible employees, which means that we are required by University policy and federal law to report what you tell us to the University's EOCR and/or Title IX coordinators.  The coordinators’ commitment is to ensure that the reporting student receives the resources and support that they need, while also reviewing the information presented to determine whether further action is necessary to ensure survivor safety and the safety of the University community.

Students in Distress

Services for students in various forms of distress are offered by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) ( in the Elson Student Health Center.  The embedded CAPS counselor for the School of Architecture is Dr. Rachel Berry,  During evenings and weekends, emergency crisis assistance (434.972.7004) is available. In addition, if you are concerned about another student, call 434.243.5150 during business hours, and request the consulting clinician.

Student Accommodations

It is the policy of the University of Virginia to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with federal and state laws. Any student with a disability who needs accommodation (e.g., in arrangements for seating, extended time for examinations, or note taking, etc.), should contact the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC) and provide them with appropriate medical or psychological documentation of his/her condition. Once accommodations are approved, it is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the instructor about logistics and implementation of accommodations. 

If students have difficulty accessing any part of the course materials or activities for this class, they should contact the instructor immediately. Accommodations for test taking should be arranged at least 14 business days in advance of the date of the test(s). Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the SDAC: 434.243.5180
(Fax: 434.243.5188); Email:; Website:

The Honor System and the School of Architecture

The School of Architecture relies upon and cherishes its community of trust.  We firmly endorse, uphold, and embrace the University’s Honor principle that students will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor shall they tolerate those who do. We recognize that even one honor infraction can destroy an exemplary reputation that has taken years to build. Acting in a manner consistent with the principles of honor will benefit every member of the community both while enrolled in the School of Architecture and in the future.  It is assumed that students work together in a spirit of collaborative learning in class. You are encouraged to ask for advice from your classmates and other students, and offer the same for them. 

All work should be pledged in the spirit of the Honor System of the University of Virginia. The instructor will indicate which assignments and activities are to be done individually and which permit collaboration. The following pledge should be written out at the end of all quizzes, examinations, individual assignments and papers: “I pledge that I have neither given nor received help on this examination (quiz, assignment, etc.)”. The pledge must be signed by the student.

The Honor Code is enforced by the Student Honor Committee which makes determinations of guilt or innocence based on three criteria, 1) whether the alleged act occurred, 2) its intentionality, and 3) its non-triviality.  Students found to have violated the Honor Code are expelled from the University of Virginia following one single violation.

If you have questions about the University of Virginia Honor Code please contact the School's representatives or call the Honor offices at 434.924.7602.  In addition, you may find more information at  If you have questions about special cases in the context of the School of Architecture’s curriculum, contact your academic advisor.

Classroom Civility Statement

Students are asked to refrain from conducting private conversations (both in-person and electronically) in class, and are requested to use appropriate language and behavior that are not demeaning or disruptive to either the instructor or the other members of the class.  No use of electronic devices in the classroom is permitted without the permission of the instructor. This means laptops, phones, I-Pads, etc. Using these devices without permission from the instructor will be considered disruptive behavior and could result in the withdrawal of the student from the course.  Instructors may permit their use on specified days, when they are needed for class exercises or in-class work. Otherwise, such devices should not be in use during class time. Recording devices are exempt from this policy.

Recording of Class Sessions

Additionally, if a class session is being recorded in order to facilitate learning by those unable to join us synchronously, students must agree to not “clip” parts of the class and disseminate in social media or via other methods.  We want to be able to have frank and interesting conversations; these might touch upon sensitive topics and we need to feel free to express ourselves and trust those with whom we are speaking.  If you are found to have violated this rule, I will consider it an infraction worthy of being reported to the Student Honor Committee as it violates the “community of trust” objective. Please don’t do it.

Please consider the following alternative policy statements:
Guidance for Implementing Recording of Class Sessions and Distribution of Course Materials.

Full policy on Recording of Class Sessions and Distribution of Course Materials

University Email Policy

Students are expected to activate and then check their official UVA email addresses on a frequent and consistent basis to remain informed of University communications, as certain communications may be time sensitive. Students who fail to check their email on a regular basis are responsible for any resulting consequences. 

* Comment by ARCH 5420 Course Instructor: Occasionally in ARCH 5420 it may be necessary for me to adjust assignment due dates due to unforseen and extenuating circumstances.