November 2, 2023 Workshop 13 Notes
Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights
I: Blend Shapes
1 of this workshop is developed after the on-line tutorials provided in
the Robinson Text. For a more complete treatment from within UVA, go
directly to the on-line
reader and review pages on the
Bend Deformer beginning at page 321.
- Goto to the
Surfaces module and create a sphere.

- Make a copy of the second
sphere. From the " Edit Menu>Delete
Type" option, select and delete the history of second copy of the
original sphere. Make some changes to the shape of the thirds sphere.
- Go to the Animation Module,
select the second sphere, shift-select the third sphere,
shift-select the first sphere , and then to the menu item
"Deform>Blend Shape" and select the check-box.

- Next, go to the Channels dialog at the right side of the screen, and expand the tab INPUTS and then "blendShape1".
- Key frame the original shape as is in frame "0" of the animation.

- Next, go to frame "20",
go to the blend shape value for the second shape (e.g., "nurbsSphere2"), adjust the weight from 0 to 1 and key frame the original sphere again. Note that the original shape is deformed accordingly.

- Similary, go to frame "40",
go to the blend shape value for the second shape (e.g., "nurbsSphere2"), adjust the weight from 0 to 1 and key frame the original sphere again. Note that the original shape is again deformed accordingly.

- Place the second and third
shape on separate layer and turn it
- Playback the animation.
PART II: Use of set Driven Keys
- Create a sphere and a cone.
- In the Animation module, go
to the menu sequence "Key> Set Driven Key > Set"
- Select the sphere, and in
the "Set Driven Key" dialog box, go to
Load>Select as Driver.
- Select the Cone, and in the
"Set Driven Key" dialog box, go to
Load>Select as Driven.

- Now, connect parts of Drive
list with parts of the Driven list.
For example, select the "Translate Y" attribute of the sphere with the
"Rotate X" attribute of the cone, and set the "key" for each one.

- Move the sphere up and
rotate the cone around the Z axis, and set
the key again.

- Now, move the sphere up and
down and the cone is adjusted
- Finally, key frame the
sphere at frame 1, frame 12, and frame 14
and three different positions along the Y axis from its first location
in step 5 to its final location in step 6, and playback the animation.
Note that the cone is animated as well.
- Similarly, one can rig a
character using the same technique. Using the same methods, the
illustration below is developed a with horizontal surface plane
rotating around the "X" axis as a driver, and the IK handle on the leg
of a skeleton moving up and down along the "Y" axis as the driven.
Thus, rotating the horizontal plan drives the up and down motion of the
- Set Driven Key can also be used to modify properties of an object such as a point light or a phong shader.
For example, in the scene file sc1.mb (download this mb file) it is used to drive the RGB values of a point light. Open the Set Driven dialog box and then load the circle as the "Driver" and the light as the "Driven" and see the connections already established in this example.
Alternatively, in the scene file sc2.mb (download this mb file) it is used to drive the incandescent values of a phong shader applied to a sphere. Open the Set Driven Menu and then load the circle as the "Driver" and incandescence property of the Phong shader and the "Driven" and see the connections already established.