the BOTTLED WATER phenomenon |
phoebe w harris university of virginia |
32 million barrels of oil used to produce plastic water bottles consumed in the USA in 2007 | from: |
The production of platstic water bottles costs 2000 more times than tap water | from: |
The more expensive the water brand, does NOT mean the water is better quality | from: |
80% of water bottles end up in landfills | from: |
In 2007, more than 200 billion liters of bottled water were sold around the world | from: |
Since 2001, bottled water sales have increased by 70% in the United States | from: |
Bottled water companies are not required by the Food and Drug Administration, which regulates the industry, to publish water quality tests. The Environmental Protection Agency requires water utilities do so for tap water | from: |
In 2011 Americans purchased 9.1 billion gallons of bottled water. Per capita consumption reached a new peak of 29.2 gallons | from: |
The overwhelming majority (96%) of bottled water purchased in the US came from domestic sources | from: |
One in five Americans drink only bottled water even though bottled water is thousands of times more expensive than tap water | from: |
Worldwide the bottled water market was estimated to be more than $100 billion in 2005 | from: |
Advertising budgets of water bottling companies run as high as $150 million each year | from: |
24% of the bottled water we buy is tap water repackaged by Coke and Pepsi | from: |
We pitch into landfills 38 billion water bottles a year -- in excess of $1 billion worth of plastic | from: |
In Fiji, a state-of-the-art factory spins out more than a million bottles a day of the hippest bottled water on the U.S. market today, while more than half the people in Fiji do not have safe, reliable drinking water | from: |
If the water we use at home cost what even cheap bottled water costs, our monthly water bills would run $9,000 | from: |
18% of bottled water brands, including Publix, Kroger and Harris Teeter store brands, fail to list their sources | from: |
New figures from the the Beverage Marketing Corp show that bottled water sales were up 4.1% last year, versus just a 0.9% increase in bottled drink sales in general | from: |
To visualize the entire energy costs of the lifecycle of bottled water, imagine filling each bottle with a quarter of oil | from: |
Last year, we spent more on Poland Spring, Fiji Water, Evian, Aquafina, and Dasani than we spent on iPods or movie tickets--$15 billion. It will be $16 billion this year | from: |