The Lottery of Birth

How much of ones success and happiness in life is attributable to your own efforts and how much to the vagaries of birthplace?
What do you think is important for happiness and/or success?
On the left is a ranking the Economist computed. Choose metrics below and you will create your own ranking based on what you value.
The size of the circle indicates how many people win that particular lottery (i.e. population of the country)

Economy - measures countries performance in four key area: macroeconomic policies, economic satisfaction and expectations, foundations for growth, and financial sector efficiency.Entrepreneurship and Opportunity - measures a countries entrepreneurial environment, its promotion of innovative activity, and the evenness of opportunity.Governance - measures countries performance in three areas: effective and accountable government, fair elections and political participation, and rule of law. Education - measures countries performance in three areas: access to education, quality of education and human capital.Health - measures countries performance in three areas: basic health outcomes (both objective and subjective), health infrastructure, and preventative care.Safety and Security sub-index measures countries performance in two respects: national security and personal safety.Personal Freedom - measures the performance and progress of nations in guaranteeing individual freedom and encouraging social tolerance.Social Capital - measures countries performance in two areas: social cohesion and engagement, and community and family networks.Overall Women Score - combination of metrics in areas that affect women’s livesJustice for Women - treatment of women under the lawHealth for Women - quality and access to health careEducation for Women - quality and access to educationPolitics for Women - political powerHappy Planet Index - the extent to which countries deliver long, happy, sustainable lives for the people that live in them. The Index uses global data on life expectancy, experienced well-being and Ecological Footprint to calculate this