visualizations from
Data Visualization
spring 2016
All visualizations and content are Copyright © 2016 by the students identified. They are published here with permission.
*** All Rights Reserved.***
Voting Patterns Over Time
Jason Adams
The Vocabulary of U.S. Presidents
Prateek Agrawal
Voter Turnout by Demographic
Juan Arrivillaga
zebraPHYS: Auditory neuron visualization
Margaret Bjoring
Campaign Funds 2016
Vishal Chandrasekaran
Demographic Profiles of Candidate Support
Paul Cherian
Student Arrival Times at Data Science Lectures
Donald Chesworth
Can Donald Trump Win the Midwest?
Vijay Edupuganti
Elections and Violence in the U.S.
Carol Ehreth
U.S. Economic Indicators
Kyle Ferris
Crime in New York
Zachary Gelfand
New York City's Building Energy Footprint
Katherine Gloede
Individual U.S. Presidential Campaign Contributions
Dylan Greenleaf
Voter Demographics 2016
Roshan Gurumurthy
Dominion's Dirty Money
Isabelle Han
Polarization and Compromise in the US Senate
Matt Hawthorn
Trip Advisor Hotel Reviews
Adam Jiang
Who gets Silicon Valley's Money?
Adam Jones
Taxi Data Analysis
Dong Hyuk Kim
Economic Risk Indicators
James Kim
Word Relevance - Sea Level Rise and Flooding
Fanjia Kong
Measuring media coverage on Presidential Candidates
Savi Kuriakose
Who Feels the Bern?
Jonathan Lazenby
UVA Electricity Analysis
Danny Lee
Opinion Polls: Clinton vs. Trump
Kamwoo Lee
Travel by U.S. Presidential Candidates
Michael Lenart
Income and Voting Behavior
Jason Lewris
Primary Voting
Haoyu Li
Primary Results 2016
Yuning Ling
Data Breaches
Jianzhe Liu
FIFA Balon d'Or Winners
Ziding Liu
Geographical Origins of World Music
Paul McCord
Voter Turnout Across Nations
Kyle McGuire
Stealing Our Bandwidth?
Hope McIntyre
Two Republican Primary Narratives
Mason Mongtomery
Public Opinion Surveys
Allison Moyer
GOP Debate Twitter Sentiments
Sharath Pingula
Student Debt
Brian Sachtjen
2016 Primary Debate Transcripts
Daniel Saha
How to Improve Music Products
Kaustav Saha
What Tree Should You Plant?
Abigail Sandberg
The Makings of a Champion?
Anna Sanfilippo
How Creative is that Presidential Slogan?
Katherine Schinkel
Women in Parliaments and Workforce
Sana Sekkarie
History of US Presidential Election Results
Yiefeng Song
Campaign Finance and Election Outcomes
Gregory Swanson
Drone Delivery
Leslie Tanner
Sentiment Analysis on Presidential Candidates
Wenting Tong
Income vs. Primary Election Results
Yuanbo Wang
Young Voter Involvement
Feiyin Wu
Election Trends 2016
Yuxiang Xiang
What's in your Food?
Jeffrey Xing
The World in the Eyes of Foreigners
Ruisi Xiong
Voting Demographics
Zhiwei Zhang
States Voting Rates
Zuoyang Zhou