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This visualization does not take into account senority levels of professionals and employee tenure. Further research on this topic should include theses variables.
One can see that the widest pay gap applies in only three industries: Admin & Organizational, Sales & Serving Others, Managerial & Executive.
One can see that the narrowest pay gap occur in all industries except Managerial & Executive. Note that four occupations in this category earn higher salaries than men.
Highest paid women jobs (salaries greater than $65,000) include only four industries: Managerial & Executive, Care & Education, Law & Justice, and Science, Tech, Engineering. Note that most high paying jobs are under Science, Tech, Engineering.
One can see that the lowest paid women jobs (salaries less than $25,000) does not include three industries: Science, Tech, Engineering, Managerial & Executive, and Creative & Media. Note that most occupations under this category fall under the Manual & Production Work industry.
One can see that the female-dominated occupations (more than 75% in the industry are women) applies in four industries: Admin & Organizational, Law & Justice, Manual & Production Work, and Care & Education. Note that most occupations under this category fall under the Care & Education industry.
Mixed occupations include all industries.
One can see that the male-dominated occupations (less than 25% in the industry are women) do not apply in two industries: Admin & Organizational and Creative & Media.
Circles are sized according to annual salary.