This visualization uses data from Pew Research Center's Political Typology 2017 survey to show how Americans are divided on the most controversial subjects of the day. The numbers in the charts are expressed as percentages.

Break down by:

Favorability Ratings of Donald Trump Very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, very unfavorable Opinions on Abortion Legal in all cases, legal in most cases, illegal in most cases, illegal in all cases Is the Earth getting warmer? Yes, because of human activity; Yes, because of natural patterns; No, we just don't know enough yet; No, it's just not happening Opinions on Economic Inequality A very big problem, a moderately big problem, a small problem, not a problem at all Republicans Democrats Independents Republicans Democrats Independents Republicans Democrats Independents Republicans Democrats Independents 18-34 35-61 62+ 18-34 35-61 62+ 18-34 35-61 62+ 18-34 35-61 62+ White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Less than HS HS/SC College+ Less than HS HS/SC College+ Less than HS HS/SC College+ Less than HS HS/SC College+