Why are they happening? And how can we stop them? Mass Shootings in America from 1966 to 2016 Date Killed Injured So many of the mass shootings that have occurred in America can be related to mental illness. Here, it is obvious that so many of those mental illness related shootings occur at schools. Mental illness may not be the root cause, but it is clearly a factor. What is the next step that schools should take to combat this? It is no surprise that financial issues can be part of a shooter's motive. We can see so many of the financial related shootings occur at the shooter's place of work. So, what can work establishments do to resolve financial issues before they go too far?

Relationship to Location of Incident

Motives: Domestic Dispute Drug Use Drug Use and Financial Difficulties Expulsion or Suspension Failure Financial Difficulties or Dispute Gender Harassment Legal Dispute Mental Illness Multiple Motives Political or Religious Ideals Race Rejection Robbery Social Dispute Terminated, Denied, or Reprimanded Unknown