VT RI DE DC CT WY WV WI WA VA UT TX TN SD SC PR PA OR OK OH NY NV NJ NH NE ND NC MT MO MN MI ME MD MA LA KY KS IN IL ID IA HI GA CO CA AZ AR AL AK This visual aims to help healthcare providers to identify possible factors to improve opioid treatment services and to identify patients at risk. Author: Huitong (Jo) Pan, hp4zw You can click/mouse-over the state names on the right map to change state, or click here to change back to U.S. Treatment completion rate scale: AA Completion rate: 222 Number of patients in 2013 & 2014: 222 0.00 0.68
What could impact abuse treatment success, for patients in   VA  ? 100 100 100 100 100 100 Red means the factor is negatively realted with treatment success Green means the factor is positively realted with treatment success Numbers are odds ratios. The closer to 1, the less impactful. Reference level is inside ().
Highest frequency of use: 3-6 times in past week (None in the past)222222
Highest frequency of use: 3-6 times in past week (None in the past)222222
Highest frequency of use: 3-6 times in past week (None in the past)222222
Highest frequency of use: 3-6 times in past week (None in the past)222222
Highest frequency of use: 3-6 times in past week (None in the past)222222
Highest frequency of use: 3-6 times in past week (None in the past)222222

Results are based on: Pan, H., Gao, S. and Grant, K. (2018). Analyzing National and State Opioid Abuse Treatment Completion with Multilevel Modeling.

Data: “Treatment Episode Data Set: Discharges (2013 - 2014).” datafiles.samhsa.gov/study-series/treatment-episode-data-set- discharges-teds-d-nid13520.

Check out the 50 factors we have considered and the results of the national model.