Fatal Police Shootings in the United States

January 1, 2016 – July 31, 2017

Shootings per
Million by State

Between January 1, 2016 and July 31, 2017, 1,544
people were killed by police in the United States.
That amounts to roughly 2.7 people per day.

Alaska had the highest normalized rate
of police involved shootings in this time period,
with 14.93 for every million residents.

Hover over a state to obtain its rate.


14.93 shootings per million

Shootings (Raw Count)
by State

Of all 50 states, California had the greatest number
of shootings in this time period at 235. Texas and
Florida had the second and third most shootings
at 127 and 94, respectively.

Wyoming, Vermont, and Rhode Island had the fewest
shootings of all states, with only 2 each.

Hover over a state to obtain the number of shootings.


235 shootings

How are Shootings
Distributed Over
the Course of the Year?

The data reveals no distinct temporal trends in police involved shootings.
However, in the time period surveyed, February 2017 had the most
shootings of any month at 100. April 2017 had the least with 67 shootings.
There have only been 39 days in this 577-day time period in which no police involved
fatal shootings occurred.