Fake News
Who is really to blame?
Hover over or zoom in on any circle to learn
more about the sources of fake news.
In this modern age of information, fake
news has become one of the most
destructive side effects of the internet and
destructive side effects of the internet and
social media. Not only has the wide scale
spread of fake news proven to create further
division, polarization, and radicalization
within the United States’ population, but it
also poses a massive threat to our elections
and our democratic process as a whole. If
we as a nation make a point to educate
ourselves on the likely sources of false
information, the dangerous effects of viral
fake news can be mitigated.
LIAR is a publicly available dataset for fake
news detection that contains articles with
varying levels of credibility. Each article is
labeled with a summarizing statement to
provide context, as well as the determined
validity of the statement. The value "fake
factor" is calculated based on ratios of mostly
true, half true, barely true, false, and “pants
on fire” statements. The data was analyzed
using surface-level linguistic patterns in
in order to automatically detect fake news.
The answers you find may surprise you.
Nicole Beachy, May 2020
fake factor: