How diverse are "memes"?

C o m m e n t s 0 5 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 1 , 5 0 0 Anime Book Company Conspiracy Theory Controversy Country Dance Emoticon Event Film Game Hashtag Hoax Image Macro Music Personality Product Sayings TV Shows Video 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 400K 350K 300K 250K 200K 150K 100K 50K Views Virality Date @Wendy's Crocs Pizzagate Coronavirus 5G Russiagate Frozen (Film) Whitewashing Brett Kavanaugh Nomination Taking a Knee North Korea Sealand Russia--> 👉 👈 🍆 :^) Unite the Right Rally French Pres. Election Shrek Star Wars The Emoji Movie Flappy Bird Fire Emblem Walk in Naked Challenge #OscarsSoWhite #NotMyRodrick #UntilTomorrow Skeptical Baby Evil Kermit Donald Trump's Wall Oh Yeah Mr.Krabs Call Me Maybe Despacito The Powerpuff Girls Donald Trump Ed, Edd, n Eddy Bill Nye Joe Exotic Nintendo Switch Fidget Spinner "turnt" "It's gonna be may- NSYNC" "What a Time to Be Alive" Doctor Who Game of Thrones 1963 It's Ma'am origin year size = # of comments
Anime has been more widespread than films, tv shows, and videos
Wendy's Twitter account is known for sarcastic responses to customer questions
Many controversies surrounding the presidency as well as racial justice
Only few countries are considered "meme-able"...
Dances are going viral again due to Tik Tok
Sayings take a while to become memes after they're created
Popular games range from video games to apps to social media “challenges"
Music is either really good or laughable
Streaming services have allowed tv series to make comebacks