visualizations from
Data Visualization
spring 2021
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US Wild Fires
Youssef Abubaker
Ranked Choice Voting
Vinay Bhaip
The Most Dangerous Place to Drive
Holden Bridge
Fybromyalgia Food Triggers
Colleen Callahan
After One Year of Covid...
Keyu Chen
Internally Displaced Persons in Iraq
Francisco Estrada
What Makes Happiness?
Pantea Ferdosian
What Makes Happiness? (dynamic version)
Pantea Ferdosian
Tolerance for Presidents
Rachel Filderman
The Brain "At Rest"
Andrew Graves
Urban Resilience
Luke Hamel
Female Parliament Leaders and Same-Sex laws
Kyndal Harrison
Hidden Semantic Themes
Haizu Hong
Green Transportation - Who's being left behind?
Lucy Hopkins
Eco-Improvement in China?
Yusheng Jiang
How Safe Are You in an Aviation Accident?
Nicholas Kalenichenko
NBA Playoff Simulation
Lucas Kenley
Economic Freedom
Chirag Kulkarni
The Value of Trees, and Who Benefits
Emily Lien
Boston Marathon Race Simulator
Jordan Machita
Aroma and Flavor of Coffee
Vasudha Manikandan
Rap on Trial
Kip McCharen
Good and Evil as a Physical Trait - the Hero Dashboard
Clair McLafferty
The Fall and Rise of Alcohol in America
Steve Morris
"Equal" Access to Higher Education
Emily Murphy
Educational Disparities in the Commonwealth
Lizzy Padhi
COVID-19 Deaths within the Black Community
Preston Parrott
COVID, Politics, and Income
Ronith Ranjan
Public Health: Personal or Political?
Charity Revutin
The Promise of Vaccines
Taylor Rohrich
Ronaldo: Relevant and Resilient over Decades
Swathi Samuel
A Turning Point? (static)
Emma Seiberlich
A Turning Point? (dashboard)
Emma Seiberlich
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Meat
Marissa Shand
Hate Crimes
Rohan Singh
Income during COVID
Po Tsao
Do We Tolerate Law Enforcement?
David Vann
Wildfires and Drought Tolerance
Nathan Wiens
SOL Scores: a Story
Ryan Williams
Mutational Processes
Joseph Wysocki
Hate Crimes
Tommy Xia
Hate Crimes (dashboard)
Tommy Xia
the HIV Treatment Gap
Jonathan Yu