How do we tolerate law enforcement? Who tolerates it more?
Questions (abbreviated) -- from
Pew American Trends Panel Waves 68 and 69
Treatment of racial/ethnic minorities by criminal justice system is problematic?
Police treat racial and ethnic groups equally?
Police have unfairly stopped you because of your race or ethnicity.
How well do police hold other police accountable for misconduct?
How well do police use the right amount of force for each situation?
How well do police protect people from crime?
Police funding should be...
Police officers should have to live in the cities or towns they police.
It should be a crime for police to use chokeholds or strangleholds.
There should be civilian oversight boards with the power to investigate and discipline police officer misuse of force or other misconduct.
Please indicate whether you would favor or oppose creating a federal government database to track police officers who have been accused of misconduct.
Police should be required to be trained in non-violent alternatives to deadly force.
In regard to police immunity, which statement comes closer to your own views?
Attributes (white indicates no response)
[DEFAULT] Race/Ethnicity: Minority vs. White
Race/Ethnicity: Black and Non-black
Political Leaning
Visualization -- random sample of 1000 data points (~25% of the data) is used for performance. Dot sizes based on Pew respondent weights.
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