visualizations from
Data Visualization
spring 2023
All visualizations and content are Copyright © 2023 by the students identified. They are published here with permission.
*** All Rights Reserved.***
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Our Community of Trust (dynamic)
Halle Barredo
Our Community of Trust (static)
Halle Barredo
trust chatGPT?
Meredith Beavers
Is data ever safe?
Brian Bippert
How blind is our justice system?
Emily Branch
How are you doing today, Doctor?
Caroline Bush
Gun Violence ih the US (dynamic)
Jianning Cai
Gun Violence ih the US (static)
Jianning Cai
Other Values in Trees
Yushun Ding
Crypto Trust
Will Giles
Where Do Partisan Polls Fit In?
Silas Hayes
My Bus is Late! (dynamic)
Jake Hecker
My Bus is Late! (static)
Jake Hecker
I Used to Shop At …
Britney Hoang
Manuscript size
Loren Lee
Guess my Password
Kelsey Matsik
Does Bikini Medicine Cover Enough? (dynamic)
Olivia Mergler
Does Bikini Medicine Cover Enough? (static)
Olivia Mergler
Trust Who?
Mohammad Murad
Data Maketh (Hu)man
Victoria Ok
Data Maketh (Hu)man
Victoria Ok
Earthquake (dynamic)
Zhengguang Wang
Earthquake (static)
Zhengguang Wang