ARCH 2710: November 2, 2023    

Exercise 5: Pre-Final Exercise: Dynamic Modeling of Geometry, Animation, Materials and Light
Due: Part 1: Preview Rendering and Animation  for in-classroom discussion only, not graded).
         Part 2: Five Renderings, Grasshopper, Animation and Rhino File,  Due December 1, 2023


Continue to develop the geometry of your model, using solid modeling and advanced surface modeling techniques. Develop at least one facade or view of your project in relatively complete geometrical detail, fully defined materials, and varied conditions of lighting. Advance yourGrasshopper based analysis and exploration of geometry related to your project. Develop a short animation of object movement, sunlight or artificial light.

While this assignment goes into greater detail than exercise 4, you should continue to emphasize the spatial and geometrical description of your case study rather than compehensively capture every detail. For a larger scale project, you may elect to focus in greater detail on a part of the geometry and more schematically on other aspects of your case study.  Similarly, develop materials realistically on a selective basis that are important to exploring the character of your project, but not necesarily all materials at a comprehensive level. The less essential materials can be developed abstractly according to the focus of your case study. Similarly the Grasshopper definition file should capture some aspect of your project abstractly or more directly integrated to your Rhino submit file, and once again at a level of detail that is discretionary.

example project

Evan Sparkman Studio case study of Centre Pompidou Metz Shigeru Ban (under ARCH 5410, previous grad course listing number for ARCH 2710)

The Task

Work towards a more complete geometrical and material representation of  you case study incorporating feedback from your SIA from exercise 4 . Your exercise write-up should describe briefly your understanding of geometry and also provide a set of next steps with respect to how you will advance the project for the final submission.  

How to hand in this assignment

Due to email quota limitiations, please do not email files directly, but place them in your submit folder on classes along with a separate email description directly on the CLASSES server. Consult as needed withSIAs or the course instructor on any part of this exercise as you proceed over the next few week.

Part 1: A preview rendering in V-Ray that captures a key view of your project and an animation completed in either in V-Ray should be discussed with your SIA or Earl Mark for an in-workshop preliminary discussion. This will not to be graded and there is no submission requirement.

Part 2. The submission for this exercise was to have included a Grasshopper definition file that captures some aspect of your project abstractly or that is integral to your submit file. It should include a minimal animation of 30 to 900 frames at your descretion at a resolution of either 640 x 370 or 960 x 540 pixels. You are at liberty to combine Grasshopper with the animation submission. The submission should also include your Rhino model file and a minimum of 5 rendered images at mid-to-high resolution of 1280 x 720 (recommended) or 1920 x 1080 pixels. In addition, E-Mail a short project description to your SIA and to Earl Mark.

You are now encouraged these objectives in anticipation of the final assignment itself which will be due separately in several weeks.