information space
Technical Exercise

Due - Tuesday April 19, 2016

Adding Visual Dynamics


This is a technical exercise, intended for you to experiment, test, try out, and explore visual dynamics through D3 and Javascript.

Using Brackets and the D3 / Javascript techniques that we have covered in class, extend your earlier work on "Land guzzlers" to add dynamic elements.

This can be done whether you did your original work by hand-coding HTML/SVG or through the D3 data engine.

The goal here is simply to exercise. The original Land Guzzlers visual was not interactive, so we are not reproducing anything. Consider, though, how you might use dynamics to add information or a cleaner reading to this visual.

Consider some of the following for providing feedback and/or filtering the visual display:

  • Change the color of elements when the mouse moves over them
  • Change font properties or colors
  • Add a popup DIV to reveal data or add commentary
  • Dim and show, through opacity
  • Use data value filters to highlight data that meets certain criteria
  • or anything else that you want to try. This is about playing, practicing, and experimenting.

Take advantage of the web design reference site w3schools, which has an excellent set of references and tutorials to help you through the language and object syntax.

Remember that all examples from class are also on the Collab site for your reference.

Turn this in as an HTML file within the Collab assignment submission for this assignment. We will not be reviewing these in class, but instructors will look at them. Your effort on this exercise is part of the 10% technical exercises grade. This exercise also will not be peer reviewed.

Do this as well as you are able. Experiment and lookup challenges in the reference documentation and on the web, and please do ask questions! Come to the extra-help workshops.

BONUS: If this is easy, then practice the same type of things on Power Plants, or on your own (developing) data....