Animal Farming
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Animal Farmer Regulator Screenshots

      This chart shows how the different farming and waste management options affect nutrient levels. The Current Regulation Budget shows how much money you have. Keep it positive to ensure a high econimic score! If you find that your budget is growing rapidly, consider raising incentives for sustainable farming options (or lowering taxes). Once you have a high budget, you can focus on increasing your Economic and Social scores. The Animal Herd-Conventional section shows the number of livestock raised on conventional farms and the amoung of nutrients they contribute to the Bay, broken down by animal. Compare these numbers to those in the Animal Herd-Sustainable section. You will be able to see which type of farming is more widely used (% of Industry) as well as which contributes more to Nitrogen and Phosphorus levels. In the bottom left corner is a list of the possible waste treatment methods ( Basic Waste Treatment, add Covered Storage, and add Nutrient Removal) and the percentage of farms using each. Use these numbers to determine if your current taxes and incentives are pushing farmers in the right direction. In the right corner, the Nutrient Reduction Impacts show how each management treatment reduces the levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus. The Totals are the most important numbers on this graph. Check these each round to see if your decisions are reducing nutrient levels and having a positive effect on the Bay!

      This chart shows how the different farming and waste management options affect the economics of the game. As the regulator, the most important numbers can be found in the Income Tax column. This money feeds into your budget. However, you should also pay attention to how the Operating Expensives change by type of farming and by waste treatment method. This will help you determine how much you should incentivize these options to make them more affordable for farmers. To make the farmers happy (and increase your social score) you want to make decisions that result in the Total Revenue or Cost column containing values as high (and positive) as possible.

      This chart is useful as a summary of your performance. The General Metrics indicate the Bay's Health, Total Nitrogen Load, and Total Phoshorus Load, which are directly tied to your Environmental score. These numbers are determined by all the players' decisions. This column also indicates the population size, econimc output, unemployment %, and voter satisfaction, which are used in determining your Social Score. The Agricultural Metrics show the Yields and Market Prices and the percentages of the farms in your state using each type of farming as well as each type of waste management. The Agricultural Incentives and Taxes list your current settings. Finally, at the bottom you'll see the Life Goal Metrics which compare how your performance is meeting your current goals. For a more detailed explanation of the Life Goal Metrics, go back to the Helpful Hints page.


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