Raw Workshop Notes on Maya
Outlines 2024
Workshop notes will be added
here for each week of the fall term.
- Intro to
Maya 8.27.24
- lighting
and nurbs 8.29.24
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in OpenShot and oher programs 9.7.24
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.5.24
- lighting
and materials, maya software rendering option, 9.17.24
- character setup and Ik handles 9.26.24
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces 10.3.24
- camera control and attributes 10.8.24
- dynamics, particles and collisions 10.8.24
- introduction to rendering with V-Ray 10.24.24
- hinges, springs and hair 10.29.24
- motion capture character rigging 10.29.24
- composite rendering and editing (plus mixing V-ray and maya software) 11.7.24
- cloth and constraints 11.12.24
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 11.19.24
- mel programming 11.21.24
- underwater caustics and fluid dynamic effects 11.26.24
- non-linear deformers and sound synchronization in Maya 11.26.24
- fluid dynamics with Phoenix 12.5.24.
- compile animation frames into an mp4 movie file with chaos player 12.7.24
Outlines 2023
Workshop notes will be added
here for each week of the fall term.
- Intro to Maya 8.22.23
- lighting and nurbs 8.24.23
- polygon extrusion and editing/compiling animation in OpenShot and oher programs 8.29.23
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.5.23
- lighting and materials, maya software rendering option, 9.7.23
- character setup and Ik handles 9.21.23
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces 9.26.23
- camera control and attributes 10.5.23
- introduction to rendering with V-Ray 10.10.23
- dynamics, particles and collisions 10.17.23
- motion capture character rigging 10.24.23
- hinges, springs and hair 10.31.23
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 11.2.23
- composite rendering and editing (plus mixing V-ray and maya software) 11.9.23
- cloth and constraints 11.9.23
- mel programming 11.14.23
- underwater caustics and fluid dynamic effects 11.16.23
- non-linear deformers and sound synchronization in Maya 11.21.23
- fluid dynamics with Phoenix 11.28.23.
- compile animation frames into an mp4 movie file with chaos player 12.5.23
Outlines 2022
Workshop notes will be added
here for each week of the fall term.
- Intro to
Maya 8.23.22
- lighting
and nurbs 8.25.55
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in OpenShot and oher programs 9.1.22
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.6.22
- lighting
and materials, maya software rendering option, 9.13.22
- character setup and Ik handles 9.22.22
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces 9.27.22
- camera control and
attributes 9.29.22
- introduction to rendering with V-Ray 10.6.22
- dynamics, particles and collisions 10.18.22
- motion capture character rigging 10.20.22
- hinges, springs and hair 10.25.22
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 11.3.22
- composite rendering and editing (plus mixing V-ray and maya software) 11.3.22 or 11.15.22
- cloth and constraints 11.15.22
- mel programming 11.17.22
- underwater caustics and fluid dynamic effects 11.22.22
- non-linear deformers and sound synchronization in Maya 12.1.22
Outlines 2021
- Intro to
Maya 8.24.21
- lighting
and nurbs 8.26.21
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.2.21
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.7.21
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces 9.9.21
- character setup and Ik handles 9.14.21
- lighting
and materials, maya software rendering option, 9.22.21
- introduction to rendering with V-Ray 9.30.21
- camera control and
attributes 10.14.21
- motion capture character rigging 10.19.21
- dynamics, particles and collisions 10.26.21
- hinges, springs and hair 10.28.21
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 11.11.21
- cloth and constraints 11.16.21
- composite rendering and editing (plus mixing V-ray and maya software) 11.16.21
- mel programming 11.18.21
- underwater caustics and fluid dynamic effects 12.2.21
- non-linear deformers and sound synchronization in Maya 12.7.21
Outlines 2020
- Intro to
Maya 8.27.20
- lighting
and nurbs 9.1.20
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.3.20
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.8.20
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces 9.10.20
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.15.20
- lighting
and materials 9.17.20
- introduction to rendering with V-Ray 9.28.20
- camera control and
attributes 10.1.20
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in openshot and imovie, plus file formats and codecs 10.6.20
- motion capture character rigging 10.13.20
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.13.20
- hinges, springs and hair 10.15.20
- mel programming 10.20.20
- cloth and constraints 10.22.20
- composite rendering and editing (plus mixing V-ray and maya software) 11.10.20
- non-linear
deformers and sound synchronization in Maya 11.12.20
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 11.12.20
- underwater caustics and fluid dynamic effects 11.19.20
Outlines 2019
- Intro to
Maya 8.27.19
- lighting
and nurbs 8.29.19
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.3.19
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.5.19
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces 9.10.19
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.19.19
- lighting
and materials 9.24.19
- introduction to rendering with V-Ray 10.1.19
- camera control and
attributes 10.3.19
- motion capture character rigging 10.10.19
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in imovie, plus Quicktime editing file formats and codecs10.22.19
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.24.19
- cloth and constraints 10.28.19
- hinges, springs and hair 11.5.19
- mel programming 11.12.19
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 11.12.19
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 11.19.19
- composite rendering and editing with imovie or openShot public domain video editing 11.21.19
- fluid dynamics, VRay and environmental sky 11.21.19
Outlines 2018
- Intro to
Maya 8.28.18
- lighting
and nurbs 8.30.18
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.4.18
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.6.18
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces9.13.18
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.20.18
- lighting
and materials 10.4.18
- motion capture character rigging 10.11.18
- introduction to rendering with V-Ray 10.11.18
- camera control and
attributes 10.18.18
- hinges, springs and hair 10.23.18
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in imovie, plus Quicktime editing file formats and codecs10.25.18
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.30.18
- cloth and constraints 11.6.18
- mel programming 11.15.18
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 11.27.18
- composite rendering and editing with imovie or openShot public domain video editing 12.4.18
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 12.4.18
- fluid dynamics, VRay and environmental sky 12.6.18
Outlines 2017
- Intro to
Maya 8.22.17
- lighting
and nurbs 8.24.17
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 8.29.17
- templates, selection masks, groups and parented objects 8.31.17
- importing sound files into maya and curves, tesselation, booleans and surfaces9.5.17
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.21.17
- motion capture character rigging 9.26.17
- lighting
and materials 10.5.17
- camera control and
attributes 10.12.17
- quicktime editing, file formats, codecs 10.17.17
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in imovie 10.19.17
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 10.24.17
- hinges, springs and hair 10.26.17
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.31.17
- cloth and constraints 11.7.17
- mel 11.14.17
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and Skin Weights 11.21.17
- maya backburner render farm 11.21.17 (requires UVA netbadge to open link, or see documentation within folder examples/backburner in the classes server)
- fluid dynamics, VRay and environmental sky 11.28.17 (draft)
- composite rendering and editing with openShot public domain video editing 12.5.17
Outlines 2016
- Intro to
Maya 8.23.16
- llighting
and nurbs 8.25.16
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 8.30.16
- hinges, springs and hair 9.6.15
- templates,
selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.13.16
- importing
sound files into Maya, and curves, tesselations, booleans and surfaces
(revisited) 9.15.16
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.22.16
- notes on motion capture 9.27.16 , revision to part 5: rigging motion capture character revisited 10.20.28
- quicktime editing, file formats, codecs 9.29.16
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in imovie 9.29.16
- lighting
and materials 10.6.16
- camera control and
attributes 10.18.16
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 10.20.16
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.25.16
- cloth and constraints 10.27.16
- composite rendering and editing with openShot public domain video editing 11.7.16 (updated)
- mel 11.17.16
- fluid dynamics, mental ray and environmental sky 11.22.16
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, Skin Weights and nParticles (Revisted) 12.1.16
- backburner batch render farming 12.6.16
Outlines 2015
- Intro to
Maya 8.25.15
- llighting
and nurbs 8.27.15
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.1.15
- templates,
selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.8.15
- importing
sound files into Maya, and curves, tesselations, booleans and surfaces
(revisited) 9.15.15
- quicktime editing, file formats, codecs 9.17.15
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.24.15
- notes on motion capture 9.29.15
- camera control and
attributes 10.8.15
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 10.13.15
- lighting
and materials 10.22.15
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.27.15
- cloth and constraints 10.29.15
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in imovie 11.3.15
- render farming 11.12.15
- fluid dynamics, mental ray and environmental sky 11.12.15
- hinges, springs and hair 11.17.15
- mel 11.19.15
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, Skin Weights and nParticles (Revisted) 11.22.15
- composite rendering and editing with Quicktime Pro 12.1.15
Outlines 2014
- Intro to
Maya 8.27.14
- llighting
and nurbs 9.2.14
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.4.14
- templates,
selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.18.14
- importing
sound files into Maya, and curves, tesselations, booleans and surfaces
(revisited) 9.23.14
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 9.25.14
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.30.14
- camera control and
attributes 10.2.14
- notes on motion capture 10.6.14
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.23.14
- lighting
and materials 10.28.14
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in imovie 10.30.14
- fluid
dynamic effects, mental ray and environmental sky 11.4.14
- cloth and constraints 11.11.14
- hinges, springs and hair 11.13.14
- mel 11.18.14
- Blend Shapes, Set Driven Keys, and nParticles (Revisted) 11.20.14
- composite
rendering and editing 11.25.15 - see workshop notes 21 for alternative method
- backburner render farm 11.25.14
- path
animation, graphical editing and blending 11.25.14
- composite rendering and editing with Quicktime Pro 12.2.14
Outlines 2013
- Intro to
Maya 8.29.13
- llighting
and nurbs 9.3.13
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.5.13
- templates,
selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.10.13
- importing
sound files into Maya, and curves, tesselations, booleans and surfaces
(revisited) 9.17.13
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 9.19.13
- character
setup and Ik handles 9.24.13
- notes on motion
capture procedures (prepared by Carter Tata) 9.26.13
- camera control and
attributes 10.3.13
- dynamics, particles and
collisions 10.8.13
- lighting
and materials 10.10.13
- hinges,
springs and hair 10.22.13
- cloth and
constraints 10.25.13
- importing movie files,
editing video and audio clips in imovie 10.29.13
- fluid
dynamic effects, mental ray and environmental sky 10.31.13
- path
animation, graphical editing and blending 11.5.13
- composite
editing with Composite 2014 11.11.13
- mel
scripts 11.14.13
- Blend
Shapes, Set Driven Keys and nParticles (revisited) 11.19.13
Outlines 2012
- Intro to
Maya 8.30.12
- llighting
and nurbs 9.4.12
- polygon
extrusion and editing/compiling animation in Quicktime Pro 9.6.12
- templates,
selection masks, groups and parented objects 9.11.12
- importing
sound files into Maya, and curves, tesselations, booleans and surfaces
(revisited) 9.20.12
- garage
band tutorial 9.25.12 (on-line tutorial will be available from
Lynda.com for internal UVA use on approx. 10/7 or try this alternative
available now)
- motion
capture 9.27.12 (draft notes)
- character
setup and Ik handles 10.4.12
- non-linear
deformers, importing sound revisited 9.20.12
- camera
control and attributes 10.11.12
- dynamics,
particles and collisions 10.18.12
- lighting
and materials 10.4.12
- path
animation, graphical editing and blending 10.25.12
- fluid
dynamic effects, mental ray and environmental sky 11.1.12
- hinges,
springs and hair 11.06.12
- cloth and
constraints 11.13.12
- mel
scripts 11.15.12
- blending
shapes and composite editing in Quicktime Pro 11.27.12
- composite
editing with Composite 2013 11.29.12
- blend
shapes, set driven keys, and nParticles 11.27.12